About MVPS
We Are Committed to You
Our mission is to make the University of Dayton a top choice for veteran and military affiliated students. Through enhanced access to programs and services, we are committed to linking this diverse community’s leadership and service experiences with learning and scholarship from the undergraduate to the doctoral levels.
Need more information? Check out the FAQ or contact us at vetservices@shushijia.net. Unless you are working with a team member on something specific, utilizing our main inbox will ensure that your requests are processed efficiently and that all team members can access our communications history. Calling our main line at 937-229-5541 enables any available team member to answer. You can also visit us in person at Zehler Hall, Room 203, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.
MVPS Staff
Ron Johnson
Director, Military and Veteran Programs and Services
Phone: 937-229-5540
Email: rjohnson4@shushijia.net
Tina Kosobud
Assistant Director, Military and Veteran Programs and Services
Phone: 937-229-5545
Email: tkosobud1@shushijia.net
Veteran Services FAQ
Students can learn more about applying to UD by visiting our admissions website.
All applicants follow the same application process. To learn more about applying to UD, visit our admissions website. The application is free.
Generally, the first step that you’ll need to complete is to apply and be accepted to a program. Next, you want to complete the FAFSA and submit it to UD with our school code of 003127. Additional information about financial aid that may be helpful to you can be found on our financial aid website.
Undergraduate students are eligible for need-based financial assistance. This funding is available from federal, state and institutional sources as determined by the FAFSA. If your income has changed, you can file a Special Circumstance Appeal form with the Office of Financial Aid.
Yes, Undergraduate students who are receiving veterans benefits can also be considered for the University of Dayton Textbook Award Program.
Students are eligible if they are admitted, file the FAFSA and conduct a Campus Visit. The award provides $500 per semester, to be used towards the cost of their textbooks at the UD Bookstore.
Some students are ineligible for the book scholarship due to other university funding received including students receiving tuition remission benefits and ROTC students receiving the book stipend at an amount greater than the university’s award.
Students may be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon program if they are receiving the Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits at the 100% level. Students must review our full Yellow Ribbon Eligibility and submit an application each academic year.
Eligible Undergraduate students who submit a Yellow Ribbon Application may have tuition covered by benefits from the VA and UD's matching Yellow Ribbon contribution. Students continue to be eligible for merit scholarships that are awarded at the time of admissions. The Yellow Ribbon award funded by the University may impact institutional need-based aid that you have previously been awarded.
Eligible Undergraduate students will have tuition, books and a housing stipend covered by this benefit. Students continue to be eligible for merit scholarships that are awarded at the time of admission. The Chapter 31 benefit may impact institutional need-based aid that you have previously been awarded.
Most of UD's degree programs are approved by the VA. To see a full list of majors and programs currently approved for VA benefits, visit the VA's WEAMS Institution Search, and search for "University of Dayton." You can then select our institution's profile. From the profile, select the "programs" tab to view the current list of programs.
The first step is to complete the Preliminary Credit Evaluation Form for Undergraduates. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for this purpose.
Official transcripts from previous institutions and military transcripts should be sent to the University of Dayton as part of the application process. Different academic departments at UD have different policies on accepting military training as course credit. Check with the Dean’s office to which you are applying for the transfer of credit policies.
You can download your unofficial Joint Service Transcript (JST) online, as well as have the official version sent to UD. Air Force students will not use the JST, but rather will request transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force.
The University of Dayton offers several resources to support the needs of our students. Students can reach out to staff and access a variety of tools through the Office of Learning Resources which is home to Disability Services. In addition, we have a Counseling Center which serves our students.
Once you know you will use VA benefits you should apply to the VA for Education Benefits. This may require that you indicate the college or university that you’ll be attending. You can submit this with the school that you’ll most likely attend and then if it is different, just complete a Change of Place form with the VA.
The first step is to complete the VA’s Education Benefits Application. If you have ever used VA education benefits before at a different institution, or if you are changing your program, you will have to complete an electronic VA Form 22-1990 or VA Form 22-5490 with the VA. Be sure to print a copy of this before submitting it so that you can provide a copy to our office.
Please complete steps 1 through 4 for Apply for Chapter Benefits on the chapter benefits page. Remember, you will have to complete the full checklist once, and then each semester you must complete your step 4 "VA Benefit Certification Request" online.
You will need to complete a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training, VA Form 22-1995 (dependents need to complete VA-22-5495 instead of the VA-22-1995 form) and submit it to the VA. You can also complete an online electronic version of those forms. In addition, please provide your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to us.
Each semester you will receive an email titled "VA CERTIFICATION FOR (FALL, SPRING, OR SUMMER) SEMESTER." You need to follow the directions in the email to have certification completed for payments. You may also complete the request under step 4 "VA Benefit Certification Request" on our Chapter Benefits page. You will receive a confirmation from the VA that your enrollment has been certified.
If you drop a class, you must email vetservices@shushijia.net. We will report your updated enrollment to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA will reduce your rate of pay if this withdrawal changes your enrollment status or rate of pursuit. For undergraduates a full time status is 12 credits or more. This varies for graduate student programs, but full time is generally 12 credits for Juris Doctor students and 6 credits for other graduate students at UD.
If the withdrawal occurs during the drop/add period, an adjustment is made on the rate of pay. If the withdrawal occurs after the drop/add period, the reduction may create an overpayment, that you must pay back, unless there are mitigating circumstances. For Chapter 33 students to receive the VA's full housing stipend, they must maintain a full time rate of pursuit. Students must attend MORE than half time to receive even a prorated housing allowance under Chapter 33.
When you drop a course or add a course, you must email vetservices@shushijia.net to inform us of the change and to let us know if you may have Mitigating Circumstances.
The VA will not pay for courses that are not required as part of a student’s degree. If students take courses that are not required, those courses will need to be funded by other means and will not be part of the total hours that we certify. Students can easily identify which courses apply toward their degree by using the Degree Works tool available via Porches.
If you fail a normally graded course and it lowers your GPA, the VA will pay for it because they consider this progress, even though it is negative progress. If your university academic program allows you to take a course as “Pass / Fail” which is technically Satisfactory / No Credit or Credit / No Credit, the VA will only pay for the course if you “Pass” and receive the credit. This is because in “Pass/Fail” grading the “Fail” (No Credit) does not lower or increase the GPA. The VA considers this no progress and treats it as if it was a late withdrawal. In this case you must email vetservices@shushijia.net to inform us that you did not receive credit, and let us know if you have Mitigating Circumstances.
The VA will pay for repeated courses as long as they are part of the student’s degree and the grades previously earned do not meet degree requirements. For example, if you complete a course (attend and participate the entire semester) and receive a grade of ‘F’, you could retake this class and receive funds from the VA to cover the cost of the course. If you have questions about a specific course, please contact us at vetservices@udaton.edu so we can provide you with information specific to your situation.
The VA will pay for a remedial course if the student has a deficiency in the subject. The VA will not pay for refresher courses.
Please contact Flyer Student Services if you change your major, as this may cause your enrollment certification to change. Please also send an email to verservices@shushijia.net.
Dual majors can be certified if both majors are approved. Only courses required to complete the dual major will be certified. Courses for minors can be approved if the student is formally pursuing the minor.
You are able to change your major in the middle of the semester but this will not take effect until the next semester with the Department of Veteran Affairs. Once your classes are certified for the semester, the major for the semester is certified for that entire period.
If you are an Undecided major, it is recommended that you begin by fulfilling general educational requirements such as fine arts, humanities, natural sciences. After two semesters, you will need to declare a major in order to continue receiving Veteran benefits.
Once you have confirmed that the VA has received your certification, you could expect that the funds will be received within 3 weeks after the certification date (but not before the first day of classes). Unfortunately, there’s not anything that we are able to do to expedite the processing and disbursement of funds from the VA.
VA housing allowance payments are typically made on the 1st of each month to compensate for the month that has just passed. You may contact the VA at 1-888-442-4551 if you do not receive your housing payments.
The amount of money that you receive differs depending on what chapter of VA benefits you are receiving and how many hours you are taking. Additionally, rates are adjusted generally on an annual basis. The updated rates are available on the VA's Rate Tables.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government VA website.